
Raymond Fok

Ph.D. Candidate
University of Washington
rayfok (at) cs.washington.edu

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Daniel Weld. My research blends principles from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP), with a focus on developing intelligent, interactive systems for supporting and augmenting complex knowledge work. My recent work explores applications across scholarly communication and sensemaking, workplace productivity, and AI-assisted decision making.

Throughout my PhD, I’ve been fortunate to collaborate with researchers at AI2 (Semantic Scholar), Adobe Research, and Google Research. Prior to joining UW, I received my B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, where I worked on crowdsourcing and mixed-initiative systems.

I am on the industry job market! Please feel free to reach out to discuss relevant opportunities for Research Scientist, Applied Scientist, or related roles.

Research Areas: Human-AI Interaction, HCI, Explainable AI, Applications of NLP

All publications: [Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar]

  1. EMNLP '24
    Benjamin Newman, Yoonjoo Lee, Aakanksha Naik, Pao Siangliulue, Raymond Fok, Juho Kim, Daniel S. Weld, Joseph Chee Chang, Kyle Lo
    EMNLP 2024
  2. UIST '24
    Raymond Fok, Joseph Chee Chang, Tal August, Amy X. Zhang, Daniel S. Weld
    UIST 2024
  3. CACM
    Kyle Lo, +51 authors (incl. Raymond Fok), Marti A. Hearst, Daniel S. Weld
    Communications of the ACM 2024
  4. EMNLP '23
    Benjamin Newman, Luca Soldaini, Raymond Fok, Arman Cohan, and Kyle Lo
    EMNLP 2023
  5. TiiS '23
    Raymond Fok, Luca Soldaini, Cassidy Trier, Erin Bransom, Kelsey MacMillan, Evie Cheng, Hita Kambhamettu, Jonathan Bragg, Kyle Lo, Marti A. Hearst, Andrew Head, Daniel S. Weld
    TiiS 2023
  6. IUI '23
    Raymond Fok, Hita Kambhamettu, Luca Soldaini, Jonathan Bragg, Kyle Lo, Marti A. Hearst, Andrew Head, Daniel S. Weld
    IUI 2023
  7. CHI '22
    Raymond Fok, Mingyuan Zhong, Anne Spencer Ross, James Fogarty, Jacob O. Wobbrock
    CHI 2022
  8. CHI '21
    Andrew Head, Kyle Lo, Dongyeop Kang, Raymond Fok, Sam Skjonsberg, Daniel S. Weld, Marti A. Hearst
    CHI 2021
  9. CHI '21
    Gagan Bansal*, Tongshuang Wu*, Joyce Zhou†, Raymond Fok†, Besmira Nushi, Ece Kamar, Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Daniel S. Weld
    CHI 2021
  10. TiiS '19
    Jean Y. Song, Raymond Fok, Juho Kim, Walter S. Lasecki
    TiiS 2019
  11. ASSETS '18
    Raymond Fok, Harmanpreet Kaur, Skanda Palani, Martez E. Mott, Walter S. Lasecki
    ASSETS 2018
  12. IUI '18
    Jean Y. Song, Raymond Fok, Alan Lundgard, Fan Yang, Juho Kim, Walter S. Lasecki
    IUI 2018
  13. UIST '17
    Saiganesh Swaminathan, Raymond Fok, Fanglin Chen, Ting-Hao (Kenneth) Huang, Irene Lin, Rohan Jadvani, Walter S. Lasecki, Jeffrey P. Bigham
    UIST 2017

Workshops, Posters, and Other Publications

  1. In2Writing@CHI '23
    Raymond Fok, Daniel S. Weld
    In2Writing Workshop @ CHI 2023
  2. ASSETS '21
    Ather Sharif, Paari Gopal, Michael Saugstad, Shiven Bhatt, Raymond Fok, Galen Weld, Kavi Asher Mankoff Dey, Jon E. Froehlich
    ASSETS 2021
  3. CI '17
    Sai Gouravajhala, Jean Y Song, Jinyeong Yim, Raymond Fok, Yanda Huang, Fan Yang, Kyle Wang, Yilei An, and Walter S. Lasecki
    CI 2017